RBL Berlin x Winterfestival at Holzmarkt25
RADIO BANDA LARGA | Picks from the archive
On Wednesday 19th of April, Tristeza – sad music makes me happy – will air the fourth episode of Tristeza Mixtape, a spin-off of sad music selections curated by Fred Montgomery’s favorite artists.
The guest for this new Tristeza Mixtape episode is MATT ELLIOT, a maestro when it comes to sad music in terms of melancholic musical compositions, themes, and atmospheres that his performances create. British-born but grown-up in France, Matt has been active in the international music scene for 20 years, being also a pioneer of Bristol DYI scene with the band “the third eye foundation”.
His sad music selection entails a wide knowledge of historic and modern gems, ranging from blues ballads to Eritrean composers of the 60s and to NY 2020 experimental folk: a fine selection that you really can’t miss.
In the first 20 minutes of the episode, Fred Montgomery, presenter and creator of Tristeza, will introduce some of MATT ELLIOT’s most representative tracks and a little monography of the artist.