JUNE 29 — JULY 1
The SMC Conference is a peer-reviewed international scientific conference around the core interdisciplinary topics of Sound and Music Computing. All hours of presentations are in CEST time zone.
TUE 29.06
Welcome & Introduction
S1 - Digital Signal Processing | — Equalization of Wood-Panel Loudspeakers (J. Liski, J. Rämö, V. Välimäki and O. Lähdeoja) — Introducing Finite Difference Schemes Synthesis in Faust: A Cellular Automata Approach (R. Russo, S. Serafin, R. Michon, Y. Orlarey and S. Letz) — Waveset Transformations: Source Characteristics and Transformation Peculiarities producing Hardly Predictable Sound Results (F. Martins and J. H. Padovani) — A Wave Digital Filter Modeling Library for the Faust Programming Language (D. Roosenburg, E. Stine, R. Michon and J. Chowdhury)
Lab 1 - Acute (Iceland)
S2 - Performance Modeling | — The Informatics Philharmonic in New Music (K. Pet and C. Raphael) — Convolutional Networks for Visual Onset Detection in the Context of Bowed String Instrument Performances (G. Bastas, A. Gkiokas, V. Katsouros and P. Maragos) — Beat Estimation from Musician Visual Cues (S. Chakraborty, S. Aktaş, W. Clifford and J. Timoney) — Expected Reciprocal Rank for Evaluating Musical Fingering Advice (D. A. Randolph, B. Di Eugenio and J. Badgerow)
Music Program - Interlude: andamio.in: Memorias
Keynote 1 - Chris Chafe: Unlocking musical performances during the lockdown
Lab 2 - Aalto Acoustics (Finland)
S3 - Sound in Space I: Modeling & Rendering | — Compression Efficiency and Signal Distortion of Common PCA Bases for HRTF Modelling (G. Marentakis and J. Hölzl) — Live Ray Tracing and Auralization of 3D Audio Scenes with vaRays (É. Ouellet-Delorme, H. Venkatesan, E. Durand and N. Bouillot) — Building Navigable Listening Experiences Based on Spatial Soundfield Capture: The case of the Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal playing Beethoven's Symphony No. 6 (Z. Settel, J. Munch, G. Downs and N. Bouillot) — User HRTF Selection for 3D Auditory Mixed Reality (R. Shukla, R. Stewart and M. Sandler)
Lab 3 - LIM (Italy) + CIMIL (Italy)
S4 - Physical Modeling | — Finite-Difference Simulation of Linear Plate Vibration with Dynamic Distributed Contact (M. van Walstijn, A. Bhanuprakash and P. Stapleton) — Real-Time Implementation of the Shamisen using Finite Difference Schemes (T. Lasickas, S. Willemsen and S. Serafin) — Implementing Physical Models in Real-time using Partitioned Convolution: An Adjustable Spring Reverb (M. G. Onofrei, S. Willemsen and S. Serafin) — On the Transfer Function of the Piecewise-Cylindrical Vocal Tract Model (T. Smyth and D. Zurale)
Music Program - Op. Cope: An Algorithmic Opera
Op. Cope - Q&A w/ the author David Cope & VJ Manzo
WED 30.06
S5 - Systems for Music Generation and Composition | — Composing with Feedback (S. Lanzalone) — Generating Musical Continuations with Repetition (S. V. de Villa, A. McLeod and M. Rohrmeier) — A Modular Tool for Automatic Soundpainting Query Recognition and Music Generation in Max/MSP (A. Parmentier, K. Déguernel and C. Frei) — Listen to your Mind's (He)Art: A System for Affective Music Generation via Brain-Computer Interface (M. Tiraboschi, F. Avanzini and G. Boccignone)
Lab 4 - ME-Lab (Denmark)
S6 - Sound Synthesis | — Fb1_ODE - An Interface for Synthesis and Sound Processing with Ordinary Differential Equations in SuperCollider (D. Mayer) — Signal Representations for Synthesizing Audio Textures with Generative Adversarial Networks (C. Gupta, P. Kamath and L. Wyse) — Constrained Differential Equations as Complex Sound Generators (D. Sanfilippo) — Real-time Timbre Transfer and Sound Synthesis using DDSP (F. Ganis, E. F. Knudsen, S. V. K. Lyster, R. Otterbein, D. Südholt and C. Erkut) — Explorations of Singing Voice Synthesis using DDSP (J. Alonso and C. Erkut)
Lab 5 - CSC (italy)
S7 - Classification, Recommendation, Preservation | — Exploring Modality-agnostic Representations for Music Classification (H. Wu, M. Fuentes and J. P. Bello) — Attention-Based Predominant Instruments Recognition in Polyphonic Music (L. C. Reghunath and R. Rajan) — Ruffle: A User-Controllable Music Shuffling Algorithm (G. Presti, F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, L. A. Ludovico and D. A. Mauro) — Sound and Music Computing using AI: Designing a Standard (M. Bosi, N. Pretto, M. Guarise and S. Canazza)
Music Program - Interlude: Becky Brown: even fURTHER AWAY
Keynote 2 - Scot Gresham-Lancaster
LAB 6 - SMC-KTH (Sweden)
S8 - Perception and Emotion | — Is an Auditory Event more Takete? (F. Fontana, H. Järveläinen and M. Favaro) — Musical Prosody-Driven Emotion Classification: Interpreting Vocalists Portrayal of Emotions Through Machine Learning (N. Farris, B. Model, R. Savery and G. Weinberg) — Perception of Emotions in Multimodal Stimuli: The Case of Knocking on a Door (A. Iop and S. Pauletto) — How Does the Spotify API Compare to the Music Emotion Recognition (R. Panda, H. Redinho, C. Gonçalves, R. Malheiro and R. P. Paiva) — Tracing Back Music Emotion Predictions to Sound Sources and Intuitive Perceptual Qualities (S. Chowdhury, V. Praher and G. Widmer)
Music Program - Networked Performances | — A networked laptop performance of Cornelius Cardew’s Treatise by means of graphical sequencing (J. Scordato, P. Zavagna, G. Klauer, N. Privato, N. Raccanelli, L. Richelli and G. Sparano) — Umbral (L. Döbereiner, G. Eckel and L. Elblaus) — The Core (C. Basica, C. Chafe, F. Lopez-Lezcano, H. von Coler, J. P. Cancino and K. Scheuermann) — Flaming tears (A. Weixle, S. Chuang) — Rhizomatic Mutual Jam (G. Alloatti, A. Reali, F. Briata, F. Casanova and M. Tomasetti)
THU 01.07
S9 - Sonification and Sound Design | — Sleep Through Surveyed: Usage and Efficacy of Streamed Soundscapes Created to Help Infants Sleep (L. Weng, A. Hulbert, E. Gibbs and E. Schubert) — Design Considerations for Short Alerts and Notification Sounds in a Retail Environment (G. F. Arfvidsson, M. L. Eriksson, H. Lidbo and K. Falkenberg) — Peripheral Auditory Display for 3D-Printing Process Monitoring (M. Poret, S. Ibarboure, C. Semal, M. Desainte-Catherine and N. Couture) — CareTunes: Turning Patient Vitals into Music (E. Özcan, C. Chou, K. Bogers and A. van der Helm)
Music Program - Interlude: Chi Wang: Action-Reaction
Keynote 3 - Emilia Gómez
S10 - Computational Music Analysis | — A Historical Analysis of Harmonic Progressions using Chord Embeddings (E. Anzuoni, S. Ayhan, F. Dutto, A. McLeod, F. C. Moss and M. Rohrmeier) — Estimating Unexpectedness in Jazz Harmony with a Probabilistic Incremental Parser (Y Ogura, H. Ohmura, S. Tojo and K. Katsurada) — Generalized Tonal Pitch Space with Empirical Training (H. Yamamoto and S. Tojo) — The Unreal Book. Algorithmic Composition for Jazz Lead Sheets (A. Valle)
Lab 7 - RITMO (Norway)
S11 - Sound in Space II: Compositional Approaches | — SketchingSonicTrajectories: A IanniX Tool for composing the Electroacoustic Space (J. Scordato, N. Privato and N. Raccanelli) — Real-time Algorithmic Timbral Spatialisation: Compositional Approaches and Techniques (S. Catena) — IVES - Interactive Virtual Environment System: A Modular Toolkit for 3D Audiovisual Composition in Max (D. Dziwis, J. M. Arend, T. Lübeck and C. Pörschmann) — Virtual Acousmonium: A Study on Expressiveness of Musical Gestures (S. Catena and A. Bolzoni)
Lab 8 - MTG (Spain)
S12 - Web Audio and Interfaces | — Squidback: A Decentralized Generative Experience, based on Audio Feedback from a Web Application distributed to the Audience (G. Elia and D. Overholt) — Audio Parameter Mapping Made Explicit Using WebAudioXML (H. Lindetorp and K. Falkenberg) — The Gramophone: A Programmable DMI to Facilitate the Teaching of STEM Disciplines (R. Dumitrascu, S. Letz, Y. Orlarey and D. Fober) — Virtual Robotic Musicianship: Challenges and Opportunities (T. R. P. Pessanha, H. Camporez, J. Manzolli, B. S. Masiero, L. Costalonga and T. F. Tavares)
Sponsor - ELK
Keynote 4 - Michele Ducceschi
Awards & Closing Ceremony
Music Program: Silent Films w/ Original Soundtrack | Lorenzo Pezzella – Le spectre rouge (Pathé, 1907) Michela Coppola – Territories (Ambrosio, 1909) Pietro Caramelli – Fricot e l’estintore (Ambrosio, 1913) Andrea Marazzi – Cretinetti troppo bello Dimitris Batsis – Più forte che Sherlock Holmes (Italia Film, 1913) Francesco Brianzi – Il cavallo del reggimento (Italia Film, 1911) Andrea Veneri – Il duello dei paurosi (Italia Film, 1908) Alberto Mirko Zambelli – La moda vuole l’ala larga (Italia Film, 1912) Federico Primavera – Lea e il gomitolo (Cine, 1913) Nicola Cappelletti e Nicola Franteggiani – Le spectre rouge (Pathé, 1907)
The SMC conference is organized with the support of: